Monday, January 2, 2012

An Equality is a balance. Quality is from a pure mind to form an equal Quantity of purity at heart.

A person starts to obsess Quantity without knowing of losing a good Quality of self respect.  Both Quantity & Quality in this scenario can only qualify for an equality of making an equal earning for a living from working with an equal opportunity to reduce world pollution.

An Individuality is an independent Equality of maintaining a good balance between an equal self-control on Quantity and each self-respect of Quality.

The purity of honey never loses it true quality from each equal quantity in a honey comb.

Each gold bar is accurately registered its quality of 100% purity identically in all & equal quantity.

Individual RBC (Red Blood Cell) maintains its true quality of self love for the same equal quantity in distribution through circulation.

A pure quality of air in all environments is fresh & clean to replace every bad air in its way with the same equal quantity of pure air.

The best quality of light is from a pure source of spirit which gives the equal quantity of blessings towards the earth and end of the universe.

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